Tall – Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday, Tall

Here is this weeks Illustration Friday effort. This week, the word is “Tall”.

This is a continuation from last weeks post. In fact, I think it takes place roughly twenty seconds after it.

I’m not yet sure what the relationship this kid and his dad have. A part of me thinks that his Dad is this really strict type that takes no nonsense but another part of me thinks that in actual fact, he’s the kind of character that dreams of coming home from his laborious 9-5 job desk job and being able to relax in front of the T.V. but is now slowly resigning himself to the fact that that’s just not how it’s going to to be.

illustration friday doodleOriginal doodle. I hadn’t decided yet what the rocket would crash into

I really enjoy trying to base a story around Illustration Friday as I can honestly say that I have no idea where it’s going to go next.

The fact that the car is like an old 1960’s vehicle is not meant to suggest that this drawing is set in that period. I just think that all cars should look that way as they’re much cooler than any of the vehicles that are around today. Then again, there probably was a lot more kids around then that had been taken in by the space program as opposed to now.

So maybe it is set in the sixties. We’ll find out in the coming weeks I’m sure. I was a fan of the Wonder Years as a kid so maybe that’s creeping in somewhere.

illustration friday, tall, pencil, detailBefore Photoshop….

This weeks post is most definitely dedicated to the memory of Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon who died last week. He no doubt inspired many a little kid to dream about going beyond the boundaries of their world. Just like the kid in this illustration.