Daily Sketches: Week 1

Monday: Sam and Twitch
sam-and-twitchSam and Twitch are two characters from the comic Spawn by Todd McFarlane. It’s a decent enough comic as far as the super hero genre goes but I get the impression that it doesn’t quite hit the heights that as Mcfarlane wished. It feels a little over ambitious. Havig said that, there’s lots of fun stuff to be found there and these two characters are particularly enjoyable and probably the most believable of characters within the whole Spawnosphere.

Tuesday: Batman
This illustration really didn’t come out very well. There’s no real flow to it and I was tempted to not include it and do something else. That wouldn’t be the point of these drawings though. The whole idea is to get away from being so precious about what I create and just let the pen flow. sometimes it comes off, sometimes it doesn’t.

Wednesday: Matius Nylen
This guy rips on a skateboard! He’s all about speed and all out fun. Nothing too complicated.

Thursday: Random Cartoony Looking Hand
Hands remain my achilles heel. I’m slowly getting better though. I’m starting to get the idea of all the individual shapes that make up the form. Still a massive challenge though. At the moment, all my sketchbooks are just full of hand sketches. Maybe I’ll get round to uploading them all soon.

Friday: Robocop
Just noticed the expression on Murphy’s face. It’s odd that it should be a frown yet he appears to be smirking. I wonder if i could do that again if I tried.

Saturday: Tight Rope Walker
I always fancied trying this out. I have a feeling I’d be quite good at it. That may have a “famous last words” ring to it but still, I’d like to give it a go. I wonder how high this guy is? The fact that you can see street lights suggests that he’s not very high at all but probably still high enough to take  a slam.

Sunday: Cyberman on a Bouncy Hopper
Are the Cybermen from Doctor Who really just frustrated kids deep down that want to just goof off and play on bouncy hoppers? I somehow doubt it but it’s fun to imagine.