Daily Sketches: Week 10

Monday: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
This week I decided to try and keep it interesting so I decided that I would draw an iconic movie still each night for the 5 weekdays. I tried getting people on my facebook page to try and guess the movie but they were all ridiculously easy to guess as it turned out. Still, fun.

Tuesday: Singin’ in the Rain
Like I said, ridiculously easy.

Wednesday: Reservoir Dogs
This is the second time I’ve dedicated an illustration to Reservoir Dogs.

Thursday: King Kong
Gorilla features going ape! I enjoyed this one. Got carried away with the black marker a wee bit but I guess that’s OK.

Friday: Humphrey Bogart, Casablanca
This was actually suggested by someone on facebook which I always like. It’s more fun when others get involved.

Saturday: Jon Pertwee, Doctor Who
The third doctor. The likeness is OK but for some reason I’m not loving this one. Seems kind of tight to me. I much preferred Patrick Troughton from last week. Still, Tom Baker next week. can’t wait for that one!

Sunday: The Daleks
Sticking with the Doctor Who theme. Aside from Star Wars, are there any other sci-fi villains more iconic looking than these guys? I would say no way but I suppose I’m biased what with being a Doctor Who geek and all.

If you’d like to follow my daily sketches on a daily basis instead of waiting for the blog post then head on over to my facebook page and give me a like.