Hello Interpipes!

Gregor Louden-Profile PictureSo, here it is. My new blog. Welcome. Hi. How is it going?

I’ve been planning on getting a blog going within my main website for a while. Mainly because it’s just neater to have everything in the one place.

Another reason for having a blog here has been pointed out by our friends over at Google. Apparently google is a total freak for website’s with fresh content. It can’t can’t get enough of it apparently. It sooks it up like a demented vacuum cleaner on horse amphetamin and rewards accordingly. By having this blog I am apparently now free to rank highly for such key terms like Buy Art Online, Graphic Illustrator, Freelance Illustrator and Art Geek For Hire and Pay Me Money, I’m desperate Here.

Still, in all honesty that feels a little mechanical and cold so I’ll be trying to make my blog a little more interesting and honorable than that.

One of the things I’ll be doing in the future is to post a few tutorials of how I create some of my more detailed pieces. I occasionally get such requests from some folks out there and I’ve been meaning to get round to obliging for a while now.

Other posts may be some shout outs to the stuff that I like in this big green world and the rest of it will most  likely be the nonsensical ramblings of a working Illustrator/Designer(which is most likely what this post is turning out to be).

Anyway, I hope you stop by from time to time. Always welcome.