New horizons…

Hello again. It’s about time I started posting here again.

A lot has happened since my last post (over 2 years ago, yikes!).

Basically-and not in any particular order of importance-I have spent the last two years, working on my online store, playing music, drawing/illustrating/sketching/painting (of course), doing a bit in UX design, watching all 5 seasons of ‘The Wire’ (the greatest TV show of all time).

The most important of all the new developments thought, I became a father to this guy…

I love him!!!

The amazing little ‘Rory’!

So yeah, if this doesn’t exactly condone my lack of blogging activity I’m sure it explains it somewhat.

It has been the most amazing adventure. Tiring, yes, exhausting, yes but so incredibly worth it. I know it is something of a cliche to say nothing prepares you for it, but… nothing prepares you for it!

In amongst all that though, there has still been quite a lot of art taking place, just not quite as much or as regular as I would have liked.

Here’s a short little taster of some of my recent work…

As always, there is the architecture…

But what I’ve really gotten into lately in a big way is stadium art…

Old Trafford, Manchester United
Tynecastle Park, Heart of Midlothian

I’ve really enjoyed doing them. Whether they are a departure from my old style or not I’m not, too sure but I really like the challenge of trying to capture the bustling atmosphere of a match day. Every one I’ve did so far has been a different kind of challenge.

Anyway, more on that later as I start to blog more and more. Anyway, it is great to be back blogging. Even just typing this is reminding me how much I love blogging.

So to sum up, I’m going to be getting much more crazy blog action on the go from this point forward.

Otherwise, you’ll find me here…