Being a Spontaneous Wandering Illustrator

Many of  us Illustrators-and other odd creative types-can at times, be an insular bunch. We often find it very easy to get really into our own little worlds. It can be great for focusing and getting an enormous amount of work done but after a while, it can become pretty unproductive and it immediately becomes crucial that we find a way to get out of our own comfortable environments.

This is why yesterday I followed my urge to jump on a train to Manhattan and go walk around the city for a few hours. It’s such an amazing city. It’s one of those places where you can have a great time simply wandering about, taking it all in.

I aim to do it more often. It’s like a palette cleanser for the mind. A sometimes very cluttered mind at that.

New York, how I love you!

That’s my random ramble for today.

Over and out for now.