Daily Sketches: Week 9

Monday: It was a teenage wedding…
pulp-fiction-illustrationYou can guess the film right? Of course you can! Uma Thurman and John Travolta livin’ it up at Jack Rabbit Slims.

Tuesday: Sam and Twitch Return…
My first sketch of the daily sketch series that I started just over 2 months ago now was of Sam and Twitch. I was curious to see if I’d approach drawing them any differently. I think I did. I think this is much confident illustration. Looks like some progress may be afoot!

Wednesday: Joker
Smile More! Or else he may be forced to tell you how he got those scars.

Thursday: Batman Rules the Skies
I like this perspective.

Friday: Mod Rocking…
mod-rocker-illustrationThere were Mods and there were Rockers. But this Mod rocked!

Saturday: Patrick Troughton, the Second Doctor
patrick-troughton-doctor-who-illustrationEvery saturday is now #Who Day! Last week it was William Hartnell, this week it is the fantastic Patrick Troughton and next week it shall be Jon Pertwee. Pimp Doctor Extraordinaire! Can’t wait for that one.

Sunday: Batman and Boba Fett
batman-boba-fett-illustrationSuggested by Graeme Allan. Boba Fett versus Batman. Although, instead of fighting I felt that it would be far better if they settled their differences through a cocktail drinking contest. Yeah!!

If you’d like to follow my daily sketches on a daily basis instead of waiting for the blog post then head on over to my facebook page and give me a like.